Call of duty: cold war update
Call of duty: cold war update

call of duty: cold war update

Set after the events of “Operation Excision” in Outbreak, “Mauer Der Toten” is Treyarch’s next classic round-based Zombies experience where Requiem agents, currently working for Omega Group’s Colonel Kravchenko in a bid for their freedom, will explore war-torn Berlin after a zombie invasion has overtaken the city.Īgents will navigate through the dark streets, lit only by spotlights, street lamps, and long-abandoned vehicles, to reach various key landmarks and structures, including a U-Bahn where flaming trains carry undead passengers to parts unknown. And in war-torn Berlin, he has one final job for Requiem’s “finest” before he ends his rivals once and for all.

call of duty: cold war update

His name? Colonel Lev Kravchenko, leader of the Omega Group. This elaborate operation seemed to all be a set-up orchestrated by Omega – in the ensuing emergency exfiltration, a rocket downed Raptor-1’s helicopter, with the man personally responsible for this trap walking through the wreckage to capture the agents with his own cold-blooded hands. It all culminated around midnight in a previously unexplored area beyond the Phase Wall in the Ural Mountains, where the strike team arrived only to find most of the scientists brutalized with the words “NO ONE WALKS AWAY FROM OMEGA” scrawled in blood above their corpses. After thwarting Omega’s plans for “Operatsiya Inversiya,” Requiem’s elite strike team was set to extract the group’s defecting scientists in Operation Excision… until a familiar foe uncovered their plan and installed a mole among them. Even those close to you… I doubt you’ve realized what she has done.” – Colonel Lev KravchenkoĪs satellites are downed around the world due to Perseus’ actions, another war is just beginning in the Zombies Dark Aether story.įollowing her release from Omega Group’s clutches in “Firebase Z,” Samantha Maxis aided Requiem in investigating the world’s largest Outbreak Zone to date across the Ural Mountains. “Everything and everyone can be corrupted.

Call of duty: cold war update